Sunday, August 31, 2008

Chicken Pox

It has been 10 days since the discovery of my chicken pox. Life has been boring, even if some envy my long MC... Come to think of it, 2 wks of MC = 2 wks of home dentention. Do you want it? Pity myself for getting chicken pox in adulthood. Coincidently, most of my close cousins still havent had chicken pox before. Do they want to carry the tragedy like what I did, only getting it in adulthood? I heard that getting chicken pox in adulthood is bad because the chicken pox will not go off so easily and the chance of scarring is higher. My face and body is full of chicken pox and my parents said that it is better this way, thinking that having a serious one will reduce the chance of getting it another time. Even until now, there are still lots of dried chicken pox on my face and body. Just hope they will disappear soon without scarring. Another note, been eating plain food like porridge with canned cai xin for 10 whole days already. Really hope to eat some good foods but my mum told me not to eat anything "toxic" like chicken and eggs within 40 days. My god....