Monday, July 28, 2008

Sad Memories

Yesterday, out of a sudden my dad started talking about the past. This brings me back to some sad childhood's memories that I have nearly forgotten. One such memory is the incident where my mum had a miscarriage when I was about 8 to 9 yrs old. Even though I was quite young at that time but I remembered it quite well deeply in my heart as I always hope to have a sibling. By the way, I am the only child in my family. At that time my mum was still working at an electronic factory and the miscarriage happened during the 3rd or 4th month of the pregnancy.

Enough of this, the reason why I wanted to blog on this is how human try to or easily tends to forget about sad memories and incidents. Even though I have not deleted this sad incident from my brain, but I had put it aside and never want to touch it. It was only through recall that makes me think of it again. Is it human nature to try to forget sad memories and only remembered the happy ones? Translation from part of the lyrics of Jay Chou's Cai Hong (Rainbow): "Maybe time is an antidote and is also a poison I am currently taking". I find the lyrics are meaningful. Time seems to be an antidote to heal our pain but also as time goes by, human grows numbed towards the surrounding and happening, and thus this is why it is also a poison we are taking.

Thus does the growing up process and ageing process makes us numbed towards everything including love. Is this the reason why some say that they can never put in the same amount of love in a new relationship because of the experience of a failed relationship? If these questions account to a "YES", then I found that as human grows older, they are getting more protective towards themselves; just like a tortoise hiding in its shell, too afraid to get hurt. It seems really pathetic if this is the human nature. Aren't we supposed to be the most intelligent species in the animal world, then why can't we bravely face the sad memories and incidents?

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