Thursday, July 16, 2009

God Prefers Atheists?

Came across a comic strip online which I find quite funny and true to me, no references or any offences to any religion.

Friday, July 10, 2009

What Is It?

Came across a video named "What Is It?", it showcase to us that human sometimes forget about things that someone has done for us in the past. An awakening video!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I Quit, I Surrender

I quit, I surrender. I do not want to play the game again. No matter what Fate has done to me, it's okay. If we really need to know that we misses someone deeply only when he/she left, then I rather be the one to leave and be missed.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Time Passes So Fast

On last Saturday, 04 July 2009, I went for my secondary school class gathering. We celebrated our 10th year anniversary with a BBQ at my friend's condominium pool side. Even though time passes so fast, most of us seem to look the same like when we are 15 years old. Our form teacher of Sec 4, Mrs Clara Sim also look the same like 10 years ago. Hope that another 10 years on, we will achieve all our goals we set for ourselves!

Sec 3A/4A, 10 years on
Sec 3A/4A, 10 years on

4A Badge, People With an A-ttitude!
4A Badge, People With an A-ttitude!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Boring Blog

Dear Gurfield blog readers (I hope there are),

Some have comment that my blog is very boring and difficult to understand. I hope all readers can comment on my blog, be it the layout, design or posts. You can choose to post anonymously, what I need are just some inputs to improve my blog. Thanks.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


The quote below is extracted from 周星驰的西游记大结局之仙履奇缘. I hope I am not like the lead actor whom regretted on giving up a love bestowed to him by heaven.

曾经有一份真诚的爱情摆在我的面前, 但是我没有珍惜, 等到了失去的时候才后悔莫及, 人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此.

如果上天可以给我一个机会再来一次的话, 我会跟那个女孩说我爱她.

如果非要把这份爱上加上一个期限, 我希望是... 一万年.


Once, I do not cherish a sincere love before me. Only to regret when it is lost and the most painful thing on Earth is nothing other than this.

If God can give me a chance, I will tell the girl I love her.

And if I have to put a time limit for our love, I wish it to be 10,000 years.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yearning for the Moon

After watching the X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I find that I'm like the Wolverine missing the Moon, yearning for her fruitlessly forever. Its has been days since I last saw Moon and the yearning for it is getting stronger. I feel so despaired without her on my sight every night.

I think my longing for the Holy Goddess will never be fulfilled, even till the day I enter my grave and decompose back to those atoms that thankfully created me. The only dream is that the Universe is kind enough to shower her holy moon dusts to my grave on Earth, answering my yearning for her a little by little.

If the Universe is benevolent, I might be able to finally unite with her only if there are certain forces that make her crash into Earth or when the Earth get destroyed and becomes particles with little gravitational force that make it easy for my particles to flow through space to reach for her.

My Holy Goddess, Moon