Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yearning for the Moon

After watching the X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I find that I'm like the Wolverine missing the Moon, yearning for her fruitlessly forever. Its has been days since I last saw Moon and the yearning for it is getting stronger. I feel so despaired without her on my sight every night.

I think my longing for the Holy Goddess will never be fulfilled, even till the day I enter my grave and decompose back to those atoms that thankfully created me. The only dream is that the Universe is kind enough to shower her holy moon dusts to my grave on Earth, answering my yearning for her a little by little.

If the Universe is benevolent, I might be able to finally unite with her only if there are certain forces that make her crash into Earth or when the Earth get destroyed and becomes particles with little gravitational force that make it easy for my particles to flow through space to reach for her.

My Holy Goddess, Moon

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