Thursday, November 27, 2008

To Know Or Not To Know

300 years ago German philosopher, Gottfried Leibniz, pondered on a topic:

"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

17th century philosopher Blaise Pascal described the predicament of those who do not know about their life:

"why I am set down here rather than elsewhere, nor why the brief period appointed for my life is assigned to me at this moment rather than another in all the eternity that has gone before and will come after me. On all sides I behold nothing but infinity, in which I am a mere atom, a mere passing shadow that returns no more. All I know is that I must die soon, but what I understand least of all is this very death which I cannot escape."

From both philosophers, we can understand that they do not know about what happening in their life and of those surrounding them. Pascal was curious why he was living in that era and not another, was his purpose in that place and time important? He is not the only one who pondered on such questions and remained unanswered. All who pondered before him and after could not find a satisfactory answer.

Thus, it is not a choice to know or not to know why and how things are happening in your life. It is something that are out of our comprehension. The only thing to really ponder on is how to make your life meaning and if you are someone who is looking for fame, then you may try hard to leave a mark on the history. But always remember that you are just a mere atom or passing shadow that never returns and history can be erased or forgotten by the future generations but the way you live your life will always be unique to yourself.