Wednesday, September 10, 2008


你 - 林依晨 (恶作剧2吻片尾曲)

林依晨甜美线唱片尾曲“你”. 感受她对爱情的甜蜜吧!

你 is a great MV! It shows us that loving someone wholeheartedly can be so easy yet so difficult. 林依晨 may not be a superb singer, but the essence of the song is well expressed by her. During a relationship, you might feel hurt and not surrounded by happiness and sweetness at times. Sadness, bitterness, anger and even jealousy may even set in, urging you to give up the relationship.

But something I realised from 恶作剧2吻 & 恶作剧之吻 is that your heart will only stir up such emotions for those that you really care. Thus do not give up any friendship or relationship easily because they are the only small fraction of people in the entire universe that can make you have such emotions. Do treasure every friendships and relationships well. Without such emotions, life will be a fruitless journey.

Of course I do not mean that as a friend or beau, you must let your concerned ones feel the different kind of emotions in equal amounts. Life with lots of happiness and some sadness, bitterness, etc, will be more fulfilling as opposed to one which is packed with only happiness all the times. Thus, enjoy the emotions that your loved ones stirred up in you and enjoy the song :)

你 - 林依晨 Lyrics

风轻轻 我听见你声音
你对着我叮咛 要注意自己的心情
雨轻轻 我听见你声音
你拿着伞靠近 为我遮着风挡着雨
你的爱很珍惜 我总依赖着你的记忆

你就像风在说话 顺着我方向
你就像海中的波浪 堆着我成长
我明白你的回答 温柔的对话
爱情其实没有办法 不被感动吧 我不说谎

风轻轻 我听见你声音
你对着我叮咛 要注意自己的心情
雨轻轻 我听见你声音
你拿着伞靠近 为我遮着风挡着雨
你的爱很珍惜 我总依赖着你的记忆

你就像风在说话 顺著我方向
你就像海中的波浪 堆着我成长
我明白你的回答 温柔的对话
爱情其实没有办法 不被感动吧 我不说谎

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