Saturday, September 20, 2008

Came Out Of Hiatus

Feel so good! Finally came out of long hiatus, went to club at MOS with friends and buddies. I really enjoyed it since I was absent from clubbing scene for one and half months. Catch up with a platoon mate which completed his service and have good talk with him. He was concerned about his acne and acne scars problem which persisted in him for long time. He was trying out an over-the-counter cream which will repair and rejuvenate the skin, but told me that the effects was not great. You might laugh at this but we guys do discuss about such stuffs.

Some of my friends might even consider me as metro-sexual because of my complex face regime but I personally believe that maintaining appearance is important. Why not if you are able to do something to make yourself look better? If the reason is because you are lazy then you are being disrespectful to yourself and the others. Famous quote: "There are no ugly women in the world, only lazy women", of course we can change it from women to men.

I recommended him to see a dermatologist for advice as past experiences tell me that his skin problem can be easily solved through a proper face regime. I have been seeing a dermatologist for my skin problems also and the advices & medicines that they gave are really good at helping me. Just a tube of topical tretinoin cream may be the answer to acne and acne scars even though long term usage is needed to show the effects. I have been using the cream for more than half a year and the effects are great. Just a short introduction to tretinoin cream, it helps to improve skin complexion and treat & prevent acne.

I am really happy that I can resume my face regime this coming week because of the chicken pox outbreak which forces me to suspend the use of the cream. My face still has some scars left from chicken pox which can be improved by using the cream. Hopefully, I can get back to the good complexion which I always had.

Final note, I will advice anyone facing face problems to see a dermatologist for advice. It is not that expensive as some might think and the regime might not be that nuisance to follow through. This is especially important for those who has low confidence because of skin problem.

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