Monday, September 29, 2008

Mystery: The Most Beautiful Thing

After reading and analyzing Albert Einstein's "The World As I See It", I realized that Mystery is the most beautiful thing the Universe has given to us.

Albert Einstein sees mysterious as the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Science and art might not advance to current level if we human did not try to analyze and solve the mysteries that revolved around us since ancient time. It is the mysterious feeling that Isaac Newton had on "why apples fell from the tree to the ground?" that made him discovered gravity.

To me personally, Mystery allows us to live a fruitful life. With the knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, eg. Our future, Mystery allows us to have high hopes for ourselves. Thus it leads us to better performances, like exceeding in school to secure a bright future. A person is as good as dead if he does not have the experience of Mystery, as the world will no longer amaze him if he was to know all the details of his life beforehand.

Mystery is the main motivation for scientist to work harder to solve the unexplained. It is this driving force that allows us human to progress to such a level of sciences and technologies. I realized that if we are keen in finding out our purposes here, it will no longer be a fulfilling one as we no longer experience the amazement in the ups and downs of our life; we are just plainly following time as it passes, like a novel filled only with the alphabet 'A'.

Thus, Mystery is the most beautiful thing the Universe has given to us. It is this feeling of the unknown that we want to unravel that makes us living! Unravel the Mystery of your life fruitfully, as time makes it mark across.

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