Thursday, October 2, 2008

Limits & Self-Centeredness

"Love can come at the most unexpected moment and one day, slip away without a trace, leaving an unforgettable impression." A quote I accidentally came across on the Internet, how true is it will depend on the reader. As for me it is only true for the first half, an unforgettable impression is not something rational to me. Let dive back into the topic on limits and self-centeredness.

Limits is defined as the point, edge, or line beyond which something cannot or may not proceed. Do humans really know their personal limits? By not understanding and behaving out of the limits, humans can easily hurt the people around them even if not done deliberately.

Self-centered is defined as being concerned solely or chiefly with one's own interests or centered in oneself. I personally believed that humans are self-centered in nature, with example of historical backing like the geocentric model of the universe embraced by both Aristotle and Ptolemy. Ancient Greek and Chinese believed that the Earth is in the center of the universe and all other objects orbit around it. Even though the geocentric model did not match with some celestial observations, ancient scientists came up with lame sub-models to make it seemed working and rejected a simpler model in which the Earth is orbiting the Sun. Why is this so? The only reason I can think of is that humans are self-centered and they believed that all other objects should be orbiting around them not the other way round.

One should always observe and behave within the specific limits set by others in order not to hurt them. Albert Einstein's view of the world is that one lives for the others, thus we should not go around hurting others who we live for. Please plan your daily decisions and actions in view of others so as to prevent catastrophic consequences which you might regret for life. Making stupid decisions and actions in which the reason was to source for fun will make you a miserable person as fun is transient but consequences aren't.

PS: I personally have break some limits and is still regretting over it which will haunt me for life. Thus with every decision or action you going take, think of the limits set by others and you first. Do not be self-centered.

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