Tuesday, October 21, 2008

武侠梁祝 Butterfly Lovers

I watched 武侠梁祝 Butterfly Lovers on Saturday, was 5 mins late for the movie but lucky found out that the 5 mins was not critical. It is a kungfu version of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet with 吴尊 Wu Chun as Romeo and 蔡卓妍 Charlene Choi as Juliet.

心如蝶舞 - 蔡卓妍 Charlene Choi

The 武侠梁祝 Butterfly Lovers Story:

Yanzi (蔡卓妍 Charlene Choi) and Chengen (胡歌 Hu Ge) grew up together. An enemy of Yanzi family who was a high ranking official wanted a forced marriage with her, thus Yanzi's parents have to send her off to a martial arts sect in the mountain to avoid the marriage. Due to this, Yanzi's parents was imprisoned by the official but she was kept in the dark. Chengen who was also an official was forced to work with a general who wanted to eliminate the premier. Chengen betrayed the premier and was promoted 3 ranks which enabled him to eliminate the high ranking official. In the meanwhile, Yanzi took shelter at the martial arts sect and knew Zhongsan (吴尊 Wu Chun) who was the senior disciple of the sect. Both fall in love with each other deeply while Chengen was trying to eliminate the premier for the general.

Love blossoms between Yanzi & Zhongsan
Love blossoms between Yanzi & Zhongsan

Finally, Chengen went to tell Yanzi the truth about what was happening to her family and fetched her home. He also released Yanzi's parents from prison and imprisoned the high ranking official, thus Chengen became the benefactor to the whole family. Chengen knew that Yanzi had fall in love with Zhongsan, so he quickly proposed to Yanzi's parents for marriage and they agreed. Yanzi was strongly against the idea as her heart was with Zhongsan. She knew that Chengen had done alot for her but she felt that kindness should be repay with kindness, not love. In the end, Yanzi was locked up in her room by her parents because she disagreed the marriage.

Yanzi forced to marry Chengen
Yanzi forced to marry Chengen

Zhongsan secretly went to Yanzi's house and met her, they decided to elope together the next day when Yanzi had a chance to visit the temple. Finally, Yanzi escaped and waited at a pavilion for Zhongsan but Chengen knew about it and held her parents as hostages. Since Chengen was influential and held Yanzi parents as hostages, Yanzi had no choice but to return and marry him. But while Yanzi was in the sedan, she took a fake death pill which will make her seemed dead for a few days. Both Chengen and Zhongsan was unaware that Yanzi was faking death and this was the start of the tragedy.

Zhongsan at Yanzi's funeral
Zhongsan at Yanzi's funeral

The marriage had become a funeral and Zhongsan fight his way through Chengen's lackeys to see Yanzi one last time. Chengen finally realized what he was doing was wrong, thus he let Zhongsan took the body of Yanzi away. At that time, Zhongsan was already seriously injured after the fight. He carried Yanzi to the butterfly valley which was the place where their love first blossomed. After digging a hole there, he placed Yanzi and himself in the hole and he died. Soon, the disciples of the martial arts sect came and saw both Yanzi and Zhongsan dead thus they start throwing in sands to bury them. In the meanwhile, Yanzi woke up after the effect of the fake death pill went off but she saw Zhongsan lying motionless beside her. Thus she decided to sacrifice and die with him together, being buried alive.

武侠梁祝 Butterfly Lovers

My Personal Opinions:

Chengen was too persistent in getting Yanzi. Even though they grew up together, Yanzi only treat him like a brother. He cannot understand why Yanzi was so deeply in love with Zhongsan whom she had just met and not with him who had known her since young. He does not understand that the law of attractions will overshadow the law of affections which is universal in our world.

Repaying anything (including kindness except love) with love is not a correct thing to do. By doing so, you are harming all the persons involved. Love cannot be forced, thus how can we use it as a repayment material.

Giving is better than receiving. If Chengen give up or give blessings to both Yanzi and Zhongsan, it will result in a good ending. But rather he wanted to possess Yanzi by forcing her to marry him which resulted in such a tragedy. I believe he will receive more if he is willing to give in the first place. Most people will only want to receive and never put in effort to give. It is not a bad idea to surrender or give in, you can still have win-win situation by surrendering or giving in. The Hanged Man of the major arcana of the Tarot card is a very good example of gaining enlightenment through surrendering.

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