Friday, September 5, 2008

My Roles & Purposes

Even though I do not wish to brood over it, the most important question of my life still popped up when I was lying on the bed waiting to fall asleep yesterday.

What are my roles and purposes in this universe?

This question does pops up a few times in my life, but I only briefly thought of the answer. Yesterday night was a different one, I pondered on the memories of my childhood to adulthood and found alots of realisations.

  • I have grown old too fast, the change from a kid to an adult seems to be like within days.

  • My parents and family members have grown old too. I do not believe in watching my parents get old, to me it a great torment. Thinking of how healthy they were when I was young and the health deterioration they went through makes me wonder what has TIME done to us. And knowing the fact, that eventually we have to part our ways just make me stop thinking of the FUTURE.

  • What is the purpose of LIFE? Is it simply by being successful in your career and finding your other half to settle down and form a blissful family? Has all these social conditioning "purpose of LIFE" numbed our real purposes and roles in the universe.

  • Does supreme being such as GOD exists, or am I an atheist, denying the existence of supreme being above us?

  • What is the purposes of LOVE? Is it just a solution to make us blindly believe that forming a family and reproducing is a great thing, or is it one of the best grace GOD has given to human so that we can partner and walk the LIFE path together? Does true love exists, and can it last?

After repeated thinking on these realisations, I still cannot understand my roles and purposes in life well. It may be due to the lack of vast life experiences. The idea of eternity also came up on my mind, another word for eternity is forever. Forever seems to be a word that is brought up frequently by human; "Friends forever", "I love you forever", etc, but do human really understand the real meaning of it. Dictionary findings of forever is: without ever ending or an endless period of time. How many can actually understand and imagine the eternity or forever afterlife that all religions has to offer. Finally, I just hope that as I go through the path of LIFE, I can conclude on my real roles and purposes in the universe.

PS: These are my personal opinions on the topic, it does not aim to defame any religion or the existence of supreme being or promote the idea of atheism.

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